If you have a home on Gabriola Island (and if you don't mind having your picture taken!), we'd like to take your portrait for the project
What next?
1. Contact Blair or bill by email (or just grab one of them if you see them around), and set a time and date and place for a brief portrait session (it probably won’t be anything fancy - we want the “natural” you, and not necessarily the “fancy” you, unless you’re usually fancy).
3. Read and understand and sign that agreement, and get it back to us (before or when we have the portrait session).
DON’T FORGET: Part of that agreement includes a spot where you can suggest some of your own connections, so we can take their portraits, too. After all, this is a connections project, and we know you’ll want to let us know a few people on this island who are connected to you.
4. Meet with one of us, for a portrait session that likely won’t take more than fifteen minutes, to get a total of a dozen or so portrait photographs.
5. Wait for us to send you a few of those pictures, so you can decide which one(s) you like. And yes, you’re welcome to keep copies for your own use.
What happens after that?
Good question! We’ll take lots of pictures, and do lots of planning, and work toward an event that will include a display of portraits of Gabriola Islanders and the connections between them, while you wait patiently.