
Gallery Show Preparations

Prints are printed. Dates have been set. Pricing has been established. Much has been done, but there's much more to do.More details by clicking here...

Collaboration and Creation and Communication

Seeing poetry and reading photographs…More details by clicking here...

The Challenges of a Group Sale

It was a group sale, during "Black Friday Weekend". Expectations were high, but results were low.More details by clicking here...

The Honeymoon is over - and begins again with A7Rii

As much as I loved the A7R, I could not resist the deals available on the A7Rii (a.k.a. A7R2, a.k.a. A7RM2).More details by clicking here...

Rewards of Exhibiting

Money can be nice, but sometimes there are better rewards when exhibiting photographs at a public showing.More details by clicking here...

Everything has already been said

Somebody has probably already said that.More details by clicking here...

There is a need for connection

... a connection to the world when photographing the world, and a connection to people when exhibiting the image digitally or as a print.More details by clicking here...
Not Really a Blog
This "blog" format lends itself to the occasional addition of random thoughts and news. Don't expect it to shower social media with clever thoughts every day.

Newest entries are at the top of the list. Look at the list at the right, for older (archived) entries.