This web page - like this “Connections Project” itself - is a work in progress. Here are some sample photographs that might (or might not) look a bit like pictures that might (or might not) eventually become part of the Connections Project.
BUT NOTE: the photos shown here are no more than a collection of pictures to assist me in deciding on the eventual format and style of portraits for the project itself - these are not even sample photos, and they are not intended to become part of the project.
The Connections Project is (or will be, or might be) a way to honour a very simple but very valuable gift we share, as a community and as individuals: the connections between people in our community.
At its simplest, the project will be merely a collection of photographs.
In its culmination, the project could become a multi-faceted and multi-media celebration
At its heart, the project will be a gift to the community, as a confirmation that no individual is alone, and that all individuals are - directly or indirectly - connected to others.
On a more complex level, the project will be an expression of the connections, by confirming that the connections exist.
The expressions of the connections will be open, inclusive, and joyful.
At its best, each photograph in the project will express the essence of each individual, without putting any individual above, below, or outside community.